
Often we are asked to explain the terms:
-Digital, Integrated-, Hybrid-, Robotic-, Modular-OR
We have prepared a short presentation, which you can download
DOWNLOAD section in which you explain these concepts.

Hospital Concept and Design : during project design of built-in operating theatres many mistakes are done in positioning of individual rooms like corridors, patient and personnel movement as well as transfer of sterile and used material to operating theater. As per sample pictures from presentation: Focus: operating theater - department including sterilization. Mr. Gerhard Ullrich (Dräger) has shown on attached pictures patient and personnel movement as well as transfer of sterile and used material to operating rooms and central sterilization.

Architects design for new operating theatres projects as standard lead line protection up to 2 mm "just to be safe". That is why we have done measurement (FH Ostrava - built-in operating theatres AKCmed) to find out real situation during time when C-arm is used and find out neccesary changes in AKCmed system configuration.

At place, where was originally central sterilization we have built in premises of University hospital Ostrava the most modern operating theatres. For installation we have used AKCmed system for operating theatres.

Surface desinfection BBRAUN